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How to Nicely Tell the Gentleman No July 28, 2024 – Posted in: Relationship Dating Advice

I realize we are now in the digital age of communication. I’ve given you a rundown of some of the dating sites that are out there. This involves digital communication. My personal philosophy is to never do to a gentleman what I would not want done to me. Example, There’s ghosting. That means someone is texting/emailing/messaging you and you don’t like him so you just don’t respond. That’s OK if you have only exchanged comments…

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Dating Sites…..What’s a Girl to Do – Posted in: Dating Site Advice

Before I get started with my critique of dating sites, here’s my piece of advice. Some of the best guys (dreamy, talkative, funny, etc.) ever ask you for money or an Apple gift card picture this; a fat, hairy guy living in his mother’s basement dressed in dirty boxer shorts. Absolutely no one should ask you for any kind of money or things!! There are scams out there. You are empowered with this knowledge! Once…

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How to Create a “Fetching” Picture and Bio – Posted in: Dating Site Advice

Before I posted anything, I collected a series of pictures. That is the very first thing a man sees when they are on the dating site. Women look at the same thing.  Collect a bunch of recent pictures in various settings. Dressed up in your best (shows you like to attend dress up events once in a while) At a restaurant with friends. (You’re a fun person.) Casual (maybe cute jeans, new casual dress, or…

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