Dating Sites…..What’s a Girl to Do July 28, 2024 – Posted in: Dating Site Advice – Tags: , , ,

Before I get started with my critique of dating sites, here’s my piece of advice.
Some of the best guys (dreamy, talkative, funny, etc.) ever ask you for money
or an Apple gift card picture this; a fat, hairy guy living in his mother’s
basement dressed in dirty boxer shorts. Absolutely no one should ask you for
any kind of money or things!! There are scams out there. You are empowered
with this knowledge!

Once is an interesting one. They suck you in with it being free. Well yes, it’s free to look. I
enjoyed that, especially finding men in my geographic area. If you find one you want to start a
conversation with, it costs money to message. Once you pay $11.30 you can only message them
twice in one day or pay another $11.30. Extremely annoying. I go in there about once every few
days just to see what’s going on. I met a veterinarian from my town but could only send two
messages before I had to pay another fee. Not worth it ladies. They have good looking guys but
who knows if that is real or photoshopped.

Date My Age
This website I do not recommend. My experience has been that most of the men are from
overseas and much younger than the age range I have put on my account. Below are a couple
experiences I have had.
Robert/Rob – His story. He contacted me very nicely as he was about to leave town for his last
job before retirement. It said he had a PHD and laid pipelines in Alaska for an oil company. He
go to the tree line in Alaska and could call me on his satellite phone. He called me morning and
night. Very sweet. Sang me love songs. Very endearing. All of a sudden, he needed more
minutes to talk to me. Now get this, he spent $4,000 on a satellite phone, has a PHD mind you
and didn’t know he needed to buy extra minutes to talk to me twice a day. Would I please get an
Apple card for $200, scratch off the number and take a picture of it so he can add minutes to his
phone. He has no other way to get more time as he really wants to call me twice a day.
Now that’s not all. The pipe they are laying ran across a lake and they were not allowed to do
that so he needed 35 feet mor pipe. I sent an email to the company he worked for and then he
gives me his bank information so I can transfer $322,000from his bank account to his pipe
supplier. When I said I would have to check with my bank to see how this transfer works he got
very upset so I just said I was not comfortable doing it. THEN he would have to hire a
helicopter to fly back to a town and do the transfer of money himself and in the meantime his

crew was not working. Oh ladies, I’m not done yet!!! The helicopter cost $2000 and would not
pick him up until they got paid $2,000. You guessed it. I needed to get $2000 in Apple cards,
scratch off the number and take pictures of the numbers and send to him. At this point I’m
laughing. What would he do if he didn’t have me to do this for him. He said he would have to
walk out to the nearest town. I told him he better get started. I then proceeded to delete my
telegram app.

And then there’s Donovan – Wow nice looking. Both decided we would exchange emails
which made it easier to communicate. We shared background from both of us. I shared very
little. He shared a lot. Wife passed away two years ago. Had to get over her death. He is ready
to move on. No children. He lives in San Diego. Getting ready to sell his house and move to my
area, buy a house, and enjoy retirement. He is currently the security officer on a freight liner
going to deliver goods to somewhere close to Japan. When they arrive he will fly straight to my
city and look for something to buy. I said I would like to help him with a realtor and find
something that he would be happy with. We exchanged some lovely emails. And Here We Go –
The ship is being chased by pirates (I know that could be a real thing as I knew a guy who sailed
around the world a couple times and that happened to him. So this part was believable.) They
were docking somewhere I never heard of. The pirates would take your valuables and kill you.
Therefore, you certainly wouldn’t want any valuables on you for the possibility of being killed.
He wanted my full name and home address so he could send his valuables he had on board ship
to me. The person he had only shared a few emails with. Of course I never answered back and
deleted his emails.

Word of caution – Both of these men “fell in love with me” after a few phone conversations and
4 exchanged emails. Men who so called fall in love that easy want to suck you in and the female
feels a connection and really wants to help them. I would guess no one falls in love with
someone they have just met and not even in person. These men want something and it spells no
good for the female. Go by the old adage to be safe “if it’s too good to be true… beware”.
Another thing about this website I found annoying is the pop ups. Guys want to video chat with
you on line. I personally don’t know what that accomplishes but I never do it. I would suggest

Elite Singles
Before I explain this website, let me give you a word of caution (from my point of view). Any
man who is close to 60 or older and has never been married, beware. They like living alone and
doing exactly what they want to do. They might want to get friendly but it is all about them. I
much prefer a divorced man. They seem to want a relationship and want to do things that please

Now for this website….I’ve been through the people you can see for free/faces are blurry/ but
you can read the profile. Out of about 20 there were only two that were remotely close to me
that I was slightly interested in. Not worth the money.

I discovered after clicking on many names and pictures that the men leave you a message with
their email or What’s App phone number. The reason for this is that’s it’s free until you use more
than one message. Then it costs. I suggest if you want to get on this site get an email address
that you only use for this site,(suggestion would be a gmail account) and download Whats App
and learn how to use it.

Fitness Singles
I personally don’t like this site. If you’re a fitness buff, you might be interested. It is not free
and many of the pictures of men that have their shirt off showing their muscles.

Plenty of Fish
Weird title but for the most part it is free. Many of the men I liked were from my area and rather
interesting. I’m using that site each day and finding at least one person I want to send a message.
This is free to start with. If you want to interact on this site, it costs you money. Not very

I have looked on this site several times and found only one person that lived close to me. If you
don’t really like the outdoors and farm animals, just swipe left.

I was going to give this a try but you have to sign up for a 6, 12, or 24 month plan. This might
be OK but what if no men were living close to me (which is what I want) or they were not that
desirable, I would be stuck paying for the rest of the months. I chose not to register.